One page has been dedicated to each member of batch of 1964. You are welcome to update this information from time to time. You must Log In for editing Class Book or uploading pictures. Look forward to your feedback.

Class Book
Padma Narasiwodayar Narasimhan

6604 Madeline Cove Drive, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. 90275-4608.



One son, Dr. Ravi M. Venkatesh , who is completing fellowship in Neuro- radiology . Board Certified in Radiology. Daughter in law- Dr. Shilpa Desai - Board certified in Pediatrics, finishing allergy-immunology. B

Padma M. Narasimhan, M.D. Board certified in Internal Medicine & Medical Oncology. Panel speaker from AAPI for Indo- american cancer conference.Currently working full time. Dr. Ravi Venkatesh won numerous awards from local, national and indo-American societies, published numerous papers.